How can I incorporate my organisation’s values or mission into a TV interview?

Steve Blears Media Training Guide

How can I incorporate my organisation's values or mission into a TV interview?

Many business mission statements are incredibly dry, don't attempt to shoe-horn a pre-scripted mission or value statement into an interview.

Many of these statement are created to be seen on a poster in your break-room, not read out loud.

Frame your values in natural language and real terms. For example:

    • "I think it's right to..."
    • "We believe that..."
    • "It's not fair that..."
    • "In today's society, it's not right that.."
    • "All people deserve.."

Case Study: Helen Barnard

Helen is a former client, who works to solve the issues of poverty in the UK. Previously with JRF, she's now a director with The Trussell Trust. She's frequently called upon by the media to discuss issues of poverty. In this Tweet she effortlessly reflects her organisations values:

"It's clear to all of us that food banks aren't the answer to the ever rising tide of hunger & hardship."

How can I incorporate my organisation's values or mission into a TV interview?

In this statement she:

  • Make a value judgement
  • Invites us to agree
  • Frames the issues of hunger and hardship as ones that could effect us all

The FrameWorks Institue applies social science methods to study how people understand social issues—and how best to frame them.