How do you handle a media question you don’t want to answer?
How do you handle a media question you don’t want to answer? Today we’re going to discuss how to answer difficult questions from the media. This is probably the number one question that is Googled by people who’ve just put the phone down after speaking to a journalist and agreeing to appear on-air.
“Oh no. I’m gonna be on TV. Quick, how do I avoid saying the wrong thing?”
Why do you want to avoid a media question?
Before we get into how to waste everyone’s time by just avoiding answering questions on air let’s look at your motivation for being here.
Yes, appearing in the media can be daunting.
Nerve-wracking even. But let’s not lose sight of why you’ve been invited to speak on the media. It’s because you have something useful or helpful to say. Yes?
You’re starting point going into a media interview shouldn’t be “How can I dodge questions.”
So if you’re not a politician and if you’re not here to apologise for some terrible cock up then it’s extremely unlikely that you are going to need to deploy question avoidance tactics.
To put this in context the vast majority of media interviews aren’t a point-scoring exercise, they’re an exchange of ideas.
Here at Marvellous Media Training UK, we encourage our clients to be helpful and share their expertise and their thought leadership.
You’re starting point going into a media interview shouldn’t be “How can I dodge questions.”
It should be, “How can I help, clarify and add context to a story.”
In short, you will hardly ever need to avoid a question. But let’s face it. It’s fun to practice!
OK, rant over, let’s get into avoiding questions.