How do I prepare for a TV interview online using Zoom, Teams or Skype?
How do I prepare for a TV interview online using Zoom, Teams or Skype? You’ll have noticed that increasingly on news shows, live interviews are done online from people’s home offices. So, let’s get into how we might do these quite well.
Prepare for a TV interview online – Set up the shot
First things first, set up your laptop and the space around you. The space that’s going to be in the shot basically.
Clear your junk
Too often, people look terrible in these interviews. You’ll have seen them. The camera angle is low. It looks like it’s filming up their nose. Half of the shot is of the ceiling with no lampshade. There’s loads of junk and clutter in the background, please do not let this be you.
Face a light source
So how to get this right. First, position yourself so you’re facing some light. A window is best or a desk lamp. Something that just casts light on your face? You’ll look much clearer. You won’t be so grainy. You won’t be some gloomy, shadowy figure on the screen.