How do you handle a media question you don't want to answer?

How do you handle a media question you don’t want to answer?

Steve Blears Media Training Podcast

How do you handle a media question you don’t want to answer? Today we’re going to discuss how to answer difficult questions from the media. This is probably the number one question that is Googled by people who’ve just put the phone down after speaking to a journalist and agreeing to appear on-air.

“Oh no. I’m gonna be on TV. Quick, how do I avoid saying the wrong thing?”

Why do you want to avoid a media question?
Before we get into how to waste everyone’s time by just avoiding answering questions on air let’s look at your motivation for being here.

Yes, appearing in the media can be daunting.
Nerve-wracking even. But let’s not lose sight of why you’ve been invited to speak on the media. It’s because you have something useful or helpful to say. Yes?

You’re starting point going into a media interview shouldn’t be “How can I dodge questions.”

So if you’re not a politician and if you’re not here to apologise for some terrible cock up then it’s extremely unlikely that you are going to need to deploy question avoidance tactics.

To put this in context the vast majority of media interviews aren’t a point-scoring exercise, they’re an exchange of ideas.

Here at Marvellous Media Training UK, we encourage our clients to be helpful and share their expertise and their thought leadership.

You’re starting point going into a media interview shouldn’t be “How can I dodge questions.”

It should be, “How can I help, clarify and add context to a story.”

In short, you will hardly ever need to avoid a question. But let’s face it. It’s fun to practice!

OK, rant over, let’s get into avoiding questions.

How to use #JournoRequest to get media attention for my business.

How to use #JournoRequest to get media attention for my business 

Steve Blears Media Training Podcast

How to use #JournoRequest to get media attention for my business. Today we’re gonna talk about how to contact journalists specifically when you’re replying to a reporter who’s put a shout-out for help online.

What are #JournoRequest and #PrRequest?

Now, if you aren’t familiar with online journalist requests, jump on X, formally Twitter and search for a couple of hashtags #JournoRequest and #PrRequest. Just to warn you there is all sorts of stuff on here. There are journalists from around the world from all different media, from online to TV to radio to print, asking all sorts of unusual and random questions.

TV interview online

How do I prepare for a TV interview online using Zoom, Teams or Skype?

Steve Blears Media Training Podcast

How do I prepare for a TV interview online using Zoom, Teams or Skype? You’ll have noticed that increasingly on news shows, live interviews are done online from people’s home offices. So, let’s get into how we might do these quite well.

Prepare for a TV interview online – Set up the shot

First things first, set up your laptop and the space around you. The space that’s going to be in the shot basically.

Clear your junk

Too often, people look terrible in these interviews. You’ll have seen them. The camera angle is low. It looks like it’s filming up their nose. Half of the shot is of the ceiling with no lampshade. There’s loads of junk and clutter in the background, please do not let this be you.

Face a light source

So how to get this right. First, position yourself so you’re facing some light. A window is best or a desk lamp. Something that just casts light on your face? You’ll look much clearer. You won’t be so grainy. You won’t be some gloomy, shadowy figure on the screen.

How to appear on a business podcast

How to appear on a business podcast

Steve Blears Media Training Podcast

How to appear on a business podcast. Today we’re talking about appearing on a business podcast. But why should you or your people consider doing this?

Well, where do I start? The last time I checked, there were 2.5 million podcasts globally. And there are lots of established shows covering just about every business niche and interest.

Why appear on a business podcast?
But you might say, why a podcast? Well, for most of us, the idea is less onerous than appearing on live TV or radio.

You can share your expertise, get known, liked and trusted, tick. That’s what we’re all about. And should you have ambitions to attract PR for your organisation by appearing on TV and radio, it’s a great opportunity to just practise, really get fluent on your subject matter in a kind of safer environment. Less risky environment.

Sound good so far? Well, there are even more great reasons to appear on a podcast. You’ll get noticed by the people you want to engage and influence. That could be colleagues, clients, candidates, stakeholders, partners, investors.

Yes, you’re probably thinking this. I really love podcasts and you’d be right. So apologies if I’m overselling this idea, but it’s such a great opportunity, you really should try it.

If you’re thinking, podcasts are a bit a bit niche. At the time I recorded this, one in five adults in the UK Listen to podcasts and they listen for longer. Some podcast episodes are an hour-plus long. This one’s only short thank goodness.

How to handle a difficult media interview

How to handle a difficult media interview

Steve Blears Media Training Podcast

How to handle a difficult media interview. Today we’re talking about handling difficult media interviews and straight off the bat, I’m not going to “drivel on” with generic advice.

I’m not going to tell you to rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.
I’m not going to tell you to practise your key messages.
I’m not going to tell you to practise a mock interview.

People are terrified of difficult media interviews and they needn’t be

Yes, you can do all of those things, but let’s address the elephant in the room, people, that’s you, are terrified of media interviews and they needn’t be.

How does the news work?

How does the news work?

Steve Blears Blog, Media Training Podcast

How does the news work? The news media is an industry, its product is news stories, current affairs journalism and factual articles. Its raw materials are news events, tip-offs, press releases and information supplied by public bodies, organisations, businesses, established contacts and the public.

It’s the journalists’ job to identify news stories among this flow of facts, events and information. Their skills lie in deciding what is newsworthy and then telling those stories in the most compelling way. The expectation is they should check their stories are factually accurate, legally sound, and balanced (tell both sides) before being published.

What's the first step in preparing for a TV interview?

How to prepare for your first TV interview

Steve Blears Media Training Podcast

How to prepare for your first TV interview. Don’t panic. A TV news appearance is an amazing opportunity to share your insight, knowledge and expertise.

Determine the Schedule: Find out when the interview will take place to gauge your preparation time.
Research the Show: Identify which show or news outlet has invited you. Watch a few episodes to understand its interview duration, question style, tone, and format.

Why do reporters shout questions?

Why do reporters shout questions?

Steve Blears Media Training Podcast

Why do reporters shout questions?
In April 2002, I was a reporter for BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat in the UK. On assignment at Manchester airport, I shouted a question at Manchester United’s star goal scorer, David Beckham.
I shouted, “David, does it hurt?”